Who is this at the top of the leaderboard?

BiH1212711 does well (tops the board) week in and week out in the correct leaderboard.

Is this one of the regulars here?

Feel free to contact us by message here if you’re shy. But don’t be. :wink:

It’s certainly not me as I tend to get bored and start a new game once I have been successful. Strangely I tend to enjoy the game less when I have a huge stable. Hopefully hall of fame’s etc will change that.

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Not me.
How does the point system work on the leaderboard?

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I was up there too but haven’t been as active the past couple of weeks due to work. However, I really enjoy the game except for how difficult it is too get top 10 fighters even after 10-15 years. I haven’t been able to unify all divisions yet but did max out at 20 out of 24 I believe. However, it is much better to have things more challenging than before so not complaining too much,

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I was at number 2 for a few weeks and even was trading the number 1 spot a few times but never ended the week at 1.