About the Development category

The Development category shows what we are currently working on, particularly with regard to bug fixing.

We plan to be as open as we can be with regard to development. Obviously there will be instances where either due to sensitivity with our business plans or where we simply want to surprise people where we might not announce new features.

Nevertheless we plan to be as transparent as possible and include players as close to the development process as they want or is practical.


A little issue I have noticed is many times when a fighter in the amateur’s gets to the Simi-finals or even finals and sometimes even wins a event mainly in regionals it doesn’t show up on the fighters main page that has the amateur record with the Olympic, world championships and regionals for the junior’s and open fighters! This is not a thing that effects the game’s quality but I have noticed it quite a bit as the Olympic Games and most world championships are pretty accurate with the Olympic Games I have never noticed any problem but with open regionals and really a lot of the junior events not even showing up! I have one guy who won a junior and open regionals and got a silver and two bronzes before he turned pro and not a single one showed up! I really am not complaining I am just trying to help you out with any issues in the game and there are not many as the game runs very well so I only find petty issues like this but you asked for feedback on any issues and that is one I have really noticed!