I think y’all should put some real boxers on here with their record I’m a professional boxer 28-8- 25kos Tyrone Brunson I can get a lot of real boxers that would love to be on here y’all would probably want us to sign something I can some of the hottest fighter in the game and a lot of my Philly brothers too Philly we got some of the top fighters here. For the new update
That would be cool.
What do you think your game attributes would be???
My game attributes would be power because I’m a knock out puncher but I also got good hand speed and good boxing ability. I hold the record for 1round kos
Hey Tyrone!
I remember you were like undefeated, 19-0 or something like it, all KO’s. Cool to hear about a real fighter playing the game. Are you retired now?
Real fighter names would surely be a good addition to the game.
Yea that’s me I ain’t retired when Covid hit boxing shut down and I focused more on my business and got lazy but I just started my own promotional company young gun promotion and will be fighting again this year
Never seen a professional athlete happy with his 2k/Madden ratings. Are we sure the developer wants to make professional fighters upset at them?
You can’t get mad at something that’s not reality
This is cool. Often wondered how many real boxers play the game. Need to keep us updated on when you are fighting.
This. Also, are your fights ever broadcasted? If so, where @Ty215
Agreed, this is immensely cool!!!
Are you the real Sergio mora the Latin snake
No lol. Just a fan. He was the fighter that my dad had me watch to get me into boxing