How to make the game as realistic as possible?

I saw a post a few days ago about instead of randomly booking fights try putting a match card together and have multiple fighters on the same card!

I’m a huge fan of this game and love it and probably pump a few hours into the game each day however. I’m now starting a new save and wanted your guys tips on how to make this new save im starting as realistic as possible!

Eg. Creating the fight cards by booking multiple fighters on the same show.

Any tips or advice would be great!

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Developers have confirmed fight cards will be coming at some stage.

In terms of making the game realistic, one thing I do is pretty much only sign boxers from the country of the gym. So even after 5 title wins and I can sign from anywhere in the world, I only sign from UK. This also stretches out the game as after 5 title wins it’s pretty easy to accumulate a gym of superstars very quickly.

Fight cards is a fun way to add some realism into the game. When you’re just starting out, putting one or two of your fighters into a “card” with title fights going on the same week. Other than that, I like to use the fighter happiness as an obstacle. If I can’t keep a fighter happy, I won’t resign them and allow them to walk from my gym. Not sure about realism, but it adds another element that makes developing your gym a little tougher.

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Without going into this too much this is our next big release.
We are very excited about it and believe/think it will take the game up a further level in terms of realism and fun.

More once we see closer to release.

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