Long Undisputed Run

Posting this as I think it’s the longest undisputed run Iv ever had. I would normally have moved up weight way before now, but there always seems to be a big fight available for him. So far 8 undisputed fights in a row and another organised.

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Not that long of a wait between them either! Impressive!

Pretty much right away each time. Very uncommon.

I recently maxed out one of my champs

He gone be the GOAT like


Only 26. I wonder how long that can go on for.

Interested to know how frequently this happens. 1 in ?? fighters?

I think it should be very, very rare.

Had 1 more fight and then moved him up to middleweight. Thought 10 undisputed fights were enough. Time to takeover middleweight.

I think it is incredibly rare. Think my guy above is the closest Iv came to that happening.

We keep an eye on distributions and this should be vvvvv rare.