Please help me lost my best fighter unexpectedly

i have been waiting to give my fighter a fight and now he is no longer in my stable i literally for multiple weeks was trying to make a fight and nothing popped up someone please help me get him back

Only idea I have depending on how far along you are and how good your gym is concerned you just send out an invite next week under rankings you find his name and offer him a spot at your best gym! I have had 10-15 fighters leave and not resign there contract and I have gotten them back all but once or twice! I hope it works out for you!

The blue icon is your friend on the dashboard. :slight_smile: If you see it, act :wink:

it keeps saying he is with my promotion but i cant sign him and he isnt in my stable

not sure what that means

hes still in my promotion but not in my stable and somehow he got booked for a fight and ive tried signing him many times and it just wont let me

How many stables do you have just the one?

i have 4 gyms if thats what ur referring to

Yes, I guess you might out of luck for now! I think you will be able to resign him very soon still!

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Looks like a bug perhaps or game world issue.

Ill take a look :slight_smile:

thank you also when it got to his fight that was booked it was glitched and did not work i had to delete it he has not fought in 3 years

have you found a fix for it yet?