Please update Boxing Ringside

Would it please be possible to get amateur record added to professional fighters on ringside. Seems pretty pointless the whole amateur side of the game because when they turn pro it just simply doesn’t exist anymore. What’s the whole point of the amateur system if when they turn professional it just simply has no relevance what they achieved as an amateur.

It would be nice to see it added like the other version. A guy could win 5+ medals as a amateur turn pro and just has no history of what his pedigree is or what he did as a amateur, you may aswell just remove the amateur system from the game if that’s the case and just sign the players directly from the gym.

Another thing would be maybe add history in the amateurs to track who the most decorated amateurs were/are. Maybe like the GOAT list as a pro but in the amateur ranks.

Another thing on the records list is, would it be possible to have more records such as;

. Oldest champion
. Youngest champion
. Most Multiple weight Champions
. Promotion records in a ranking format of all company’s
. GOAT rankings for continent, seems like Continent would be easiesr so just use the same as Amateur regions. Would be nice to see who the greatest European is etc
. GOAT divisional rankings. Greatest Heavyweight etc

Will profiles of fighters ever have pictures? A.I generated with potential to add own image?

Will we ever see ranking filters come to boxing ringside? Unbeaten, Stable etc

Feel like there’s just so many good things on Boxing Manager that have just been removed from the latest version of the game on Ringside


Thanks for the post.
We have indeed taken a few things out of RS which we’re in the process of re-admiting to the game when they’re improved.
That’s a fair point on the amateur record not being there. Oversight and us doing some stuff with fight screens is the reason for that.

More records would indeed me good. Always love adding requests to the top of the list…

Photos are coming. We were exploring the way of having autogenerated AI images but proved too expensive at moment. Instead are looking at uploading players own AI generated fighter pictures using a standard prompt (or the players own)

Better rankings screens for both fighters and overall with filters are in dev at moment.

We also have the new fight screens which are taking up lots of effort but we think take the game on another huge step. But more on that very soon.

Thanks and hopefully will see some of the removed features come back in their better form. We really have only removed stuff that we know can be better (fight camps and style adaptability for example). The latter there is being reworked into style experience which works quite nicely in test.

We are also extending the iOS team in coming weeks which will rapidly increase the output on both iOS products.

Thanks for playing and your support.

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Thanks for the update! Sounds great, appreciate the hard work improving the game!

Hope you saw the amateur additions to Ringside. Hopefully get the Hall of Fame amateur items in as well in coming days.

Now to fix the gym issue…

Appreciate the hard work man, never failing to deliver! Can’t wait for the next stage of developments!

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