Hey there just gonna report some bugs
For some reason when you win the Ring Mag Title you can’t defend against the number 1/2 ranked fighters however other fighters can.
When moving up weight sometimes 1 title defence will be removed from the Titles page. For example if my fighter defends his title 10 times and moves up weight it for some reason will say 9 title defences
Sometimes on the growth page you can find if you click on a fighter, when you use XP to boost a fighters stat when you return to the page it’s can say -1 Remaining Potential. (Happens rarely and only when potential is low)
Not to sure if this is a bug or apart of the game, but when you create a new game your able to sign new fighters but when you go back and create a new game with the same world new fighters are offered to you that weren’t there before.(usually over the age of 23).
Thanks for listening if I missed some bug that been annoying you be sure to note it down here we all just wanna keep improving this amazing game.