What we are up to at the moment


We’ve been getting a fair amount of mails and messages about what we are up to :slight_smile:

Without giving too much away we’re happy to say that our Android version is nearing completion. We will be announcing early testing for this here and the Discord server within the month. We know there is lots of interest in this and we will have special posts etc so that people can sign up so hold the testing requests for the moment.

For iOS we’ve lots underway with the biggest thing being our fight shows/promoter module which is currently in development. We won’t go into too much but we think it’s very cool and adds a load of stuff extra to the game experience.

We are also working on game speed and performance to solve some of the slower areas of the game most notably the rankings update.

We are also working from the priorities in the iOS Feature Category so that as well as the whole fight show/promoter mode we are looking at that fifth/magazine title. Please do go and express your votes there if you haven’t already done so.

We are also as people over on the Discord server have been discussing (as is their way) an MMA version of BM. This is likely but not certain to happen in some form this year.

As ever thanks for your interest.
BM Team


Wow, beyond excited for all of this but especially Android release. Im curious about the rankings update and what that will include. I’ve started a few new games with game worlds i’ve already reached the top at, and have seen that a lot of good fighters develop fairly well making it to the top, its quite nice to see :slight_smile:

Cool. Please note that the iOS version will be the version with the most up to date functionality for a while. They will not be the same code base (same game though;)) we will release an early version with a few things switched off until we get the code stable and fix those issues that we will inevitably find when live.

Sounds great. I look forward to the updates!
Keep up the great work!

Thanks @DDD. We are very excited about the fight shows update. It’s a whole new mode to play with. We will have more details soon and with a bit of luck some early testing of it. There’s a lot of new things in there to do so we’re looking at how we introduce it. Probably as a new game world mode in addition to the current one. More info to follow :wink:


Fight shows is an exciting addition. Feels like the natural next progression in the game.


It’s definitely shaping up as the biggest update and game change that we’ve ever done at least with regard to gameplay.

What that probably means is that it will work with a new game scenario rather than an existing one such as the nature and depth of changes to the game from fighter contracts, the whole game economy as well as fight shows and all the stuff that is coming with that. Very exciting and so far so fun to play :slight_smile:

Hopefully will be in beta within a few weeks.

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Im curious how it will work. Will you still have the ability to create single fights? Will you be able to add fights into already created cards? And how do they get those little ships into the bottles!?

So many questions :joy:

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As ever we will shape the exact gameplay over time but at present we are play testing it so that you can
a/ make single fights as currently (managers will only receive a percentage cut of the fighter’s fee)
b/ receive offers from other managers/promoters to accept a fight. (managers receive the percentage cut and a fight acceptance fee or similar)
c/ they can create a show in which they receive the manager’s percentage cut as well as the additional revenues from operating the show.

Fighter contracts as you will note will be percentage based.

Also note the current game mode will still be in place for those that don’t want a realism overdose.

However, the shows/promoter will/has to work with a wholly different but hopefully accurate model of boxing finances.

Something for everyone and as ever we will shape according to player feedback :):slight_smile:

Playing it so far and it’s a much steadier and less volatile game financially with a lot more obvious and meaningful game progression than at present.


This sounds fantastic. Good work man :sunglasses:

Sounds like a big change is coming. Great stuff.

Great work I for one cant wait for the realism overdose it’s too easy too make money in regular I have 1.1 billion in week 1056

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Yeah definitely not going to be the same on this new scenario.
Only getting managerial percentages of fighter purses and sponsorships keep things VERY tight until you start to experiment with running shows. :):slight_smile:


Which with me I’m gonna try it immediately if I can

Remember emailing in about a possible mma version before this latest game was even released! Beyond stoked. I’ve enjoyed the game for years at this point, and still sink hours a day into it, most worthwhile app I’ve ever downloaded.

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