Won’t let me restore purchase

Hey with the new update to Boxing Manager it wouldn’t let me load just stayed a blank screen so I redownloaded the app and now won’t let me restore my purchase with the multiple weight classes. I’ve not had problems with this before and previous updates was wondering if you could help thanks.

yep… We know. Update to 2.02.05

I did update and still having the same issue

Should work now right?

Hey Mike am still having issues with this when I click restore nothing pops up it used to pop up something to confirm the restore. I’ve deleted the app and tried again to no avail idk if it’s an apple issue with the app not to sure

bud im updated and yall took it away from me and i paid for it so do i get my refund or u gonna let me actually use it?

If you bought the pack you can restore it or you can repurchase the pack (it won’t charge you twice dont worry).
that will work.